Purpose: Hydrating Herbs that promote that Glow! Helps to restore hydration, unclog pores, promoting moisture for the skin.
✨Calendula✨Cinnamon✨Turmeric✨ Lemons✨ Berries and Roses✨ so much more!
Preparation: Bring 2 cups of water to a soft boil. Transfer to bowl. Add 2 tbsp. of facial steam and stir. Place towel over head to create a tent, then place face in steam. Breathe deep and relax. Steam for up to 10 minutes. Follow with moisturizer and enjoy your GLOW!
THE OLÁDÉ TIP: Bring 2 cups of water to a soft boil. Transfer to bowl. Add 2 tbsp. of facial steam and stir. Strain herbs. Once liquid has cooled, add to equal parts of distilled water or water hazel; and now you have Rose Water spray for that added glow on the go!
Size: 1.5oz; includes Tea Ball & Spoon (~about 20-25 servings)